How to Make Your Wedding Day Perfect: Tips from a Photographer

How to Make Your Wedding Day Perfect: Tips from a Photographer

I know that weddings can be notoriously stressful. After months of planning, this is finally your day and you want it to be absolutely perfect. A million tiny little things might go wrong and feel like they’re wrecking your perfect day, but with these tips, your day will be flawless! 


Get enough sleep. I can’t stress this enough, ladies. We all know there's tons of science on sleep, and though you may feel some wedding day jitters, try going to bed early! To make sure you get enough sleep, you may also try to have a relaxing night before. Consider having your bachelorette party a week before the wedding, and plan to have a quiet night in with your girls the night before you get married. Maybe read a book, take a hot bath, and drink some relaxing tea before going to bed. And don’t forget to treat yo self. It’s the last time you’ll ever sleep in a bed alone.  

Eat a high protein breakfast. Hold off on the champagne until you’ve had something hearty and healthy to eat! Being hangry is no joke, and will add to the stress and irritability many brides feel on their big day. Even if you’re feeling nervous, try having something simple packed with protein, even just a protein shake is better than nothing! You also might end up being in the middle of taking pictures or walking down the asile when you would normally have your next meal, so plan accordingly…you don’t want to look like this when you walk down the aisle.

Allow plenty of time to get ready. Consider how long it takes you to get ready for work. Think about how long it took you to get ready for prom back in high school? Have a number in mind? Ok, double it. t will stress you out if you feel like you need to rush around to prevent your guests from being kept waiting. Remember that you’ll be getting ready to walk down the aisle with all your besties, hopefully sipping mimosas, dancing around, having fun. Plan a few extra hours for all the fun you’ll have between putting on makeup, fixing your sister’s hair, and figuring out how to go to the bathroom while wearing your dress. And since you got plenty of sleep the night before, waking up early won’t be a problem. 

Break-in your shoes beforehand. Cute shoes are not always comfortable, and you’re going to be in those babies for a long time. Spend every evening for a few weeks before the wedding walking around the house in your shoes. You’ll be so happy you did on the day of. Nothing kills honeymoon vibes like blisters on your toes. Bring extra shoes to wear just in case you really can’t get comfortable in the ceremony shoes. 

Put someone in charge. This is what a wedding coordinator is for. She doesn’t mind running back and forth between you and your groom to make sure you both have what you need, talking to the photographer, DJ, or caterer. She can also keep the rest of your family and wedding party on schedule and make sure everyone is on time and the day is moving along how it should be. She knows exactly what you want, and is there to make sure everything goes perfectly. If you don’t have a wedding coordinator, appoint your bossiest friend, (or older sister) to handle all the details for you. Turn your phone off, or just hand it over to her. She’ll manage your mother in law, your flower girls lost hair bow, and anything else you might need!  

Remember what truly matters. This is your wedding day, at the end of the day, you’re still going to be married, regardless of what happens (unless...something happens to that, in which case, yeah freak out.) So let it go if your groom is 10 minutes late for pictures, or the best man's shoes don’t match the other guys. Either way, you still get to marry your love! 

With a little bit of planning ahead and careful coordination, your wedding day can be stress-free and so much fun! You don’t have to feel overwhelmed or frazzled while getting ready. Have you scheduled your photographer yet? Reach out, let’s talk about your big day! 


Kayla Yanus